Sculpting fiberglass reinforced concrete is a messy process. It too is best done in large batches. We carefully plan out what we want to accomplish each concrete day. Then we mix and apply the concrete like mad. The process of towelling on the specialty mud is relatively quick. Then we wait until it sets up just a little.
Our most skilled sculptures begin the carving process, laying out the work and beginning the carving on key areas. As the concrete begins t cure more crew members join in. At some point the call goes out for all hands which means every crew member drops what they are doing and comes to carve. The less experienced members team up with the pros and are coached through the process. In this manner everyone is trained and we accomplish a great deal of work each concrete day.
As we work towards completion some members drop off and begin the cleanup process with more of the team joining is as they complete the sections they were working on. The most experience members do some last minute touchups and checks to make sure it is all perfect. There's no going back tomorrow to make corrections for by then it will be rock hard.
With this teamwork we rarely need to work overtime and we accomplish a lot of detailed surface area. ALL HANDS make the process work flawlessly every time.