The sign was routed in two pieces for each side. I had mistakenly not reversed the toad stool and so the two halves would not match up. This wasn't a big deal however for they would be extensively reworked by hand when I sculpted them later.
I welded up a quick frame with 5/8" round steel bar. This was then placed on the back of one of the halves and an outline traced out with a pencil
I then used my air powered die grinder to create a half could hollow into which I would glue the welded frame. Once I had the first half done I put in the frame added the other side of the sign and carefully flipped it over. I then repeated the process.
Once everything fit properly I spread some PB Bond 240 glue (Coastal Enterprises) This is a one part glue activated by a spritz of water.
I then used some coarse wood screws to fasten the two sides together. I added the two school top pieces using the same glue.
I then ran some 1" pipe through our bender to form the correct radius I needed.
I cut the fancy bracket from some 1/4" plate on the MultiCam plasma cutter.
All of this was welded up and then bolted on to a temporary stand for finishing.
Now it is time for the fun part - hand sculpting and panting. Stay tuned...