A little more than four years ago I built some fun displays for a local company called Cap-it. The stands were used too hold their catalogues near the entrance to their stores. The step by step is posted here... Cap-it trucks posts
Now they are launching a new advertising campaign featuring a British bulldog mascot. And so I got the call for a new display. This time we are only fabricating the top portion of the display. The beauty of EnRoute and our MultiCam is that I didn't have to build a new file for the sign portion of the display. I simply searched back through my archives and dug up the old one. It had to be resized slightly and then it was ready to go. Once routed it was a simple matter to sculpt the bulky dog behind it. That process took less than a day using Abracadabra Sculpt and my trust helper Sarah mixing for me.
Today we began the painting process and the dog instantly began to come to life.